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It's the First Day of School

I can't believe the summer is over already. I also can't believe that my middle child, Henry, is starting Kindergarten today. Ahh! Time is moving too quickly! To quote my dad, "Years go quick, some days move real slow." But for me, back to school doesn't mean I drop my kids off somewhere or wave goodbye to them. Nope, they're still here at home, it just means our schedule changes. A lot.

Box that KCA supplies come in

Anne's fourth grade supplies

Why did we choose virtual school? That's sometimes hard to explain. Hmm...partially because we like the flexibility, kids or mom sick? We can take the day off and make up the work over the weekend. Alice have a late night due to ballet? She can sleep in and do her work later in the day. No pressure as long as it gets done before the end of the semester. Rosh Hashanah fall on a Tuesday? No worries, we can reschedule anything, including tests. Other reasons, lack of bullying, less peer pressure, ability in later grades to test into higher classes easier, ability in later grades to get double credit (college credit) for classes. Oh, so many reasons.

But for now, I get to learn to balance my 4th grader, my brand new Kindergartner (kindergarten is 80% offline), and my now running 1 year old. Wish me luck!

Meet Me!

I'm Elizabeth LenZ - EZ

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